Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Yves Behar - Creating designs that tell stories

The key messages from the video it that designers need to make a connection between their products and the working world. This is that a product should be designed so that it communicates its purpose, use and intentions from every angle and that it should be able to communicate its use just by looking at its form. Similarly the video bring to life the issue that designers bring values to the community which can come in the form of environemntal concerns, products with low power consuption, sustainability or function and beauty. Thus the values of designers are critical to producting a product which meats all these needs.

The video explores the fact that design is not only about making a product look pretty but future design is about creating a beautiful product from the inside out. The video shows that there is no point having something that looks good if it doesn't have the internal function to match. The video also highlights the fact that design is not just for the wealthy and that it can also bring technology to parts of the world that previously had no access. Similarly, the video conveys that idea that all aspects of a products deign must communicate to the user the products function.

The video discusses the responsibilities that designers have. This can be whether or not they will advance society, better life or promote health and healthy living and this is accomplished by designing from the inside out to create a product with a soul rather than merely a function.

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